Depth Effect Wallpapers
Wallpapers with special elements that overlap the time on the latest iOS lockscreen.
Wallpapers with Depth Effect are exclusively available for download from the Wallpapers Central app on both iOS and Android devices.
They are all free to download, but require Coins. You can earn Free Coins within the app by watching ad videos. PRO users don’t need Coins as they can download Depth Effect Wallpapers faster and without ads.
Depth Effect Wallpapers
You can subscribe to Wallpapers Central using in-app purchases but you can also use this website with a 40% cut off prices!
If you love a wallpaper that much that you want to share it with the rest of the world, upload it on Wallpapers Central. After a review process, it will appear under the “Feed” category.
We are accepting new applications for the Verification badge. The service is open to photographers and digital creators.